Serve Our Customers in Timely Manner with Reliable Products and Total Solutions.

Broadray Technology, Inc. provides unique solutions and products for optical communication industry as well as other customized design and OEM. Highly integrated fiber optical devices are crucial for today's ever-demanding of high data rate communication. In the mean time, fiber optical components and devices have found more and more applications in medical fields. Our team of engineers and scientists come from optical, electrical and mechanical backgrounds and with more than 20 years hands-on experiences in both the telecom and medical device fields. Broadray Technology, Inc. is headquartered in Silicon Valley (USA). 

We have developed a series of highly integrated and ultra-compact micro-optic products including 1x4 CWDM and LAN-WDM for CFP/CFP2 40/100GBASE transceivers. These devices are based on free-space and thin-film filter technology with excellent and reliable performance. The footprint of such devices are only one tenth of the conventional compact devices and they can be directly integrated into the transceivers to realize Mux and DeMux functions. Based on the same platform, we have also developed high-count multi-port compact CWDM such as 1x8 and 1x18 devices. In addition, we have delivered multi-port 100G channel spacing DWDM devices (up to 1x16) with superior performance and yet only a fraction in dimension of those DWDM modules available on today's market.
We also specialize micro-optics devices used in medical equipment. The developed products including long range fiber optical delay lines, wide band 2x2 couplers, Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) have been the good candidates for OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) applications.